Here’s the date we’re all anxiously waiting for:
Spin Rewriter 6.0 is coming out on October 14, 2015!
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Entrepreneur. Programmer. Absolutely in love with life.
Here’s the date we’re all anxiously waiting for:
Spin Rewriter 6.0 is coming out on October 14, 2015!
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We’ve just finished working on some behind-the-scenes programming black-magic which is going to speed up the User Interface of Spin Rewriter quite significantly, which means it will improve the existing User Experience in its entirety.
We used some clever bits of caching in strategic places, and made sure that our servers are always working on the stuff with the highest priority to ensure your page loads are as instant as possible. Average article processing time is also down almost 12% which is quite a big deal considering how incredibly optimized most of our infrastructure already is.
We hope you like these new updates!
We just pushed out an update that fixed a couple of (very) minor bugs that have crept up during our very active development phase over the last couple of weeks.
One example of such bug was the situation where Spin Rewriter’s been processing all HTML code 100% flawlessly with one very uncommon exception. Whenever it was processing HTML links, it was expecting those links to contain the href attribute because that’s basically a required attribute for links to actually work. The href attribute tells a link where to take the person who clicks it. For example:
<a href=””>This is a link.</a>
Clicking this link will take you to the example URL inside the href attribute. Makes sense, right?
Well, there are some use-cases where a programmer would use HTML links without the href attribute, like this for example:
<a class=”sampleLinkClass”>This is also a link but it doesn’t point anywhere.</a>
As you can see, this link doesn’t have a href attribute at all. And whenever Spin Rewriter came across one of these *weird* links, it got a little bit confused and forgot to put back the “<a” part of the link when it was done spinning the text inside of it. Oops.
Well, it’s all fixed now and Spin Rewriter is now even more robust than ever before!
Yes, that’s right… We’re so enthusiastic about the feedback we’ve been receiving ever since we launched the 5.0 version this past October that we’re already working crazy hard on the next version of our beloved Spin Rewriter!
Stay tuned for more info in the coming weeks!
You might have noticed a tiny little bit of downtime late at night on Wednesday… well, it was technically very very early Thursday morning, I guess. đ
We have once again upgraded our server grid to an even more powerful configuration because of all the love you guys are showing us… We wanted to do it as painlessly for you as possible which is why we started the upgrade process around 1:15 AM New York time — hopefully you weren’t still working that late at night!
Anyway, Spin Rewriter is now running on even more powerful & even more optimized hardware, and our entire team is hoping you will love Spin Rewriter’s improved speed and responsiveness even more. đ
Thank you for being such enthusiastic users of Spin Rewriter!
We’ve received a ton of very positive feedback about the “One-Click Rewrite” spinning option, and the video tutorial that I wrote about a couple of weeks ago.
I wanted to tell you about another video tutorial today — this one is talking about the “Bulk Rewrite” option.
With the “Bulk Rewrite” or “Bulk Spinning” option, you can either enter articles in separate text fields, upload each article as a text file, or upload one ZIP file that contains all of your articles.
This video tutorial also reveals how to pick the optimal ENL semantic spinning options, and how to start the actual spinning process. Hope you like it! đ
I want to make sure you’re getting the most out of Spin Rewriter and its powerful features — which is why we’ve prepared a special video tutorial that explains exactly how to use the “One-Click Rewrite” option.
It’s extremely easy to use. All you need to do is select the correct settings and click one button. Everything else is done automatically.
As you guys know, Spin Rewriter’s popularity has been absolutely exploding ever since we released version 1.0 all the way back in September 2011.
2013 and — especially! — 2014 have been simply amazing and we’ve been signing up new users at an incredible rate. However, as the saying goes: with a great number of users comes great responsibility. đ
Between our users using the website interface and our API to spin their articles, we’re now processing literally thousands of articles every single hour. In order to keep our servers responsive and snappy, our tech team’s been working like crazy the last couple of weeks, fine-tuning all of our server-side code and deploying extra servers.
I’m incredibly excited to say that we were able to reduce the average server load by more than 30%, and Spin Rewriter’s user interface is now more responsive than ever!
We hope you like this behind-the-scenes update as much as we do! And thank you for being our members! đ
Good news for all developers out there: We just updated the Spin Rewriter API code samples, SDK libraries, and documentation!
Even better news for all developers: The brand-new Spin Rewriter 5.0 API is 100% compatible with older versions of our API, which means all your existing code will keep on working flawlessly without any changes required on your part. đ
What’s new in the 5.0 version of our API?
For starters, we’ve added the new Spin Rewriter 5.0 functionality such as the ability to intelligently randomize the order of paragraphs and unordered lists when generating new articles in order to maximize their uniqueness. All of this is described in the updated API documentation.
We’ve also released brand new code samples that will get you up & running within minutes…
…and maybe most importantly, we’ve released a new version of the Spin Rewriter API SDK for PHP:
You can simply include this PHP library and starting using the Spin Rewriter API with literally 2 lines of code!
I hope you like these changes & we’ll keep on working hard to make sure it’s super easy to integrate the awesome ENL semantic spinning power of Spin Rewriter directly into your own software!
*Fanfare* I give you… Spin Rewriter 5.0 !!!
The brand new version of our immensely popular article spinning tool is now finally LIVE & available! đ
Here’s a list of just some of the new features:
1) You can now fetch relevant seed articles for spinning… in seconds!! …from a huge built-in database of 126,700+ quality articles.
2) The processing speed has been improved by 80% (!!) — from 5 seconds down to 1 second per average article!
3) The One-Click Rewrite option on a 500-word article no longer takes 120 seconds… it now takes just NINE (9) seconds!
4) We’ve built in an industry-leading Grammar & Spelling Checker with one-click functionality!
5) You can now automatically insert relevant YouTube videos into the articles Spin Rewriter generates for you… again, in seconds.
6) You can choose to have the paragraphs and lists in your generated articles intelligently reordered, automatically… for maximum uniqueness!
7) …and TONS of other awesome features!!
Find out everything about Spin Rewriter 5.0 right… HERE! đ
…and I’ll see you inside! đ