Tag: rewriter

Spin Rewriter 7.0 launches on October 12th, 2016!

That’s right — we’ve got the date for the release of the next version of Spin Rewriter

Spin Rewriter 7.0 goes live on October 12th, 2016!

We couldn’t be more excited about it, and we’re looking forward to rolling out a free upgrade to the latest version to all our existing users on October 12th… as well as welcoming thousands of new users into our big, happy Spin Rewriter family! 😀

Stay tuned!

SSL certificate and security check

As you might’ve noticed, Spin Rewriter has been using an SSL certificate for about a year now — which allows us to serve the entire website and all parts of Spin Rewriter’s user interface securely over the “https” protocol to all of our customers.

This means no one can intercept any of your traffic, including your username or password, the articles you’re spinning, or learn anything else about your activity on the Spin Rewriter website at all. We think that’s pretty cool — and it’s definitely the right way to do things when it comes to running an online business.

Well, our SSL pilot project has been extremely well received and didn’t introduce any glitches to our systems whatsoever — so we’ve now decided to go all-in with SSL support and have just extended our SSL certificate for another 3 years.

While we were at it, we also performed a security audit of the entire Spin Rewriter website plus all of our back-end systems including our API… and I’m super happy to report that we’ve passed all security tests with flying colors. 😀

Bottom line: This means you’re in good hands, and we’ll make sure we keep it that way. 😉

We updated our official WordPress plugin

Once again we’ve been focusing our efforts on the official Spin Rewriter WordPress Plugin — and as a result, we’re super happy to announce that we’ve just rolled out a brand new version of it.

This new version is called “version 2.5” (very imaginative, we know!) and it ensures full compatibility with the newest version of the WordPress platform, “WordPress 4.5.2 Coleman”. It also brings a number of minor usability tweaks and stability improvements to the already-rock-solid Spin Rewriter WordPress Plugin.

Feel free to update your Spin Rewriter WordPress Plugin to the newest version right away as it’s already available inside your account. Of course you’ll keep all of your settings and projects after the update, the update is completely free of charge and it’s definitely recommended. Enjoy! 😉

Text processing tweaked further…

In my previous post I already mentioned how we’re rolling out some minor tweaks and fixes for various edge-cases when it comes to automated processing of original texts before our ENL Semantic Spinning algorithms begin their work.

Now, in some extreme cases our processing algorithm could sometimes get confused when it encountered the “<” sign because it thought that maybe it signifies the beginning of an HTML tag. All HTML tags begin with “<” and then usually end with either “/>” or another “>” immediately after the name of the tag.

Here’s an example of what used to cause a problem for our parser:

Mathematicians sometimes use p < 0.01% to signify low risk.

This would in some cases (depending on the context) turn into:

Mathematicians sometimes use p (the rest of the sentence is missing)

…after the Step 1 processing because our parser mistakenly took the “< 0.01%” as a malformed HTML tag instead of what it truly was.

Well, it certainly doesn’t do that anymore — we just fixed this issue, and rolled the update out to our production servers! 😀

New minor updates to text processing…

We’ve just rolled out another tweak to our algorithm, namely the part of the algorithm that takes you from Step 1 to Step 2 of the spinning process inside Spin Rewriter.

There used to be some edge cases where our algorithm would incorrectly place a period (.) at the end of paragraphs if the paragraph in question ended with either a single quote or a double quote, preceeded by another period.

Here’s what I mean:

This right here is a “test.” (end of paragraph)

…would sometimes turn into…

This right here is a “test.”. (end of paragraph)

…after the Step 1 processing, and you would find that additional period once taken to Step 2.

Mildly annoying, for sure. 😀 Well, not anymore — we just fixed that, and rolled out the update to our live servers! 😉

We’ve rolled out an improved DB structure

As I’ve already mentioned in my previous Redis-related post, we’re improving the data-related structure of our back-end algorithms in order to deliver even more efficient, faster ENL Semantic Spinning to our awesome Spin Rewriter users.

This time around we’ve rolled out an update to the structure of our regular SQL databases. This update has significantly reduced the size of some of the database tables (in some cases, the improvement has been as high as 64-65% which is astonishing) which resulted in much faster database queries…

…which once again translates into a faster & better user experience, and a more robust platform!

We’re moving some of our processing to Redis

Once again we’ve improved our core infrastructure a bit which resulted in an even faster user experience for our awesome Spin Rewriter users, plus our back-end systems are now even more robust as an added benefit.

We’ve upgraded some of the more CPU-intensive algorithms so that they no longer rely on regular SQL databases. They’re now able to take advantage of the full power of Redis. So, what’s that? Here’s what their official website says about Redis:

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries. Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.

I realize this sounds like a bunch of gibberish, but here’s what it really means.

Basically, Redis takes certain types of data operations and performs them in a much, much more effective way than your regular SQL database. This results in a significant speed-up of CPU-intensive algorithms such as Spin Rewriter’s incredibly advanced ENL Semantic Spinning technology.

Hope you’re loving the even faster, improved Spin Rewriter! 😉

You can now easily change your API key

We know that sometimes you might wish to change your Spin Rewriter API key.

Maybe you were recording a demo video with your API key clearly visible (like the video that I’ve included below!) and you want to prevent other people from abusing your API key now that they’ve seen it. No matter what your reasons are, from now on you can always easily request a brand new API key in seconds.

To do that, simply log into your Spin Rewriter account, click the “API” link at the top to be taken to the page with your current API key, and then click the “Change your unique API key” link right below your current API key.

Doing this will invalidate your old API key instantly and generate a brand new API key for you in seconds.

Or, you can watch this video that shows you how easy it is:

Streamlined remote publishing to WordPress

As you probably already know, Spin Rewriter comes with an awesome WordPress integration. Among other things, our users are able to quickly send new spun posts directly to their WordPress websites and publish those posts (remotely, from right within their Spin Rewriter account) with a single click.

We’ve now streamlined this process even further. One user-experience challenge that we were facing was, how to automatically determine the best possible title for each freshly generated WordPress post. We’ve now settled on the following:

Imagine our user (let’s call her Catherine) has just finished spinning an article within her Spin Rewriter account, and she’s ready to publish it remotely to her WordPress website with a single click. Her article looks like this:

Learn to Play Electric Guitar – and Become a Rock God!

It’s not too difficult to learn your first couple of songs on a guitar. Here’s what you need to do: (rest of the article)

Our WordPress integration will now automatically determine that “Learn to Play Electric Guitar – and Become a Rock God!” can be used as an awesome post title, and the rest of Catherine’s article will be used as the post body. Which is perfect.

However, imagine if Catherine’s freshly spun article didn’t come with such a clear-cut candidate for a good title. In that case, Spin Rewriter will now do its “semantic-analysis” magic and determine another great title that can be used for her WordPress post. And if it’s not able to simply use the first paragraph as the title, it will of course include the entire spun article as the post body so nothing gets lost.

Give the new & improved WP integration a try today, at SpinRewriter.com! 😉