Tag: rewriter

Another manual update of our synonyms database

Even though Spin Rewriter is armed to the teeth with the latest-and-greatest from the cutting-edge arsenal of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence weapons, nothing beats a good ol’ manual review from time to time.

With this in mind we’ve been hard at work over the past 3 weeks, pouring more than 360 man-hours into a manual review of the commonly used synonyms in our database.

This is no small challenge, though. The reason Spin Rewriter performs magically well and comes up with an incredible list of synonyms in 99% of the cases lies in its underlying complexity. And this complexity makes any kind of manual tinkering a challenging process. But it’s still well worth it from time to time.

Bottom line, we’re sure you’ll notice a further improvement in the quality of your spun content — and I’m sure you’re going to love that! 😀

(Even) better parsing of HTML tags

It’s no secret that Spin Rewriter is an absolute champ when it comes to parsing HTML code that your texts have been wrapped into.

In other words, Spin Rewriter doesn’t play nice just with simple texts that consist of headings and paragraphs and little else.

It also plays nice with texts that include HTML tags, links, images, unordered and ordered lists, italics, bolded sections, etc. All of this extra HTML code that’s usually thrown into the middle of sentences trips up most text-processing software products out there, but it’s been one of our primary focuses since the beginning — and it shows.

With today’s update, we’ve taken care of two very minor, very sporadic issues that have popped up from time to time when parsing particularly tricky bits of HTML code inside your texts. So, at this points, we’re quite confident that when it comes to HTML, Spin Rewriter is — as usual — the undisputed market leader.

Here’s to you making the most of the power Spin Rewriter brings you! 😀

Improved integration of our image database

We’ve just rolled out another update to the built-in database of royalty-free stock photos and images that’s available to all users of Spin Rewriter. With this update, we’ve made the integration even better — not only is there a large number of photos available now, but we’ve also implemented query caching in our back-end infrastructure which means that we’ve managed to speed up the entire user experience when it comes to adding relevant images to your generated spun articles.

I hope you like the update! 😉

We’re now officially MOBILE READY


The mobile version of the official Spin Rewriter website now passes all tests when it comes to delivering a truly great user experience on mobile devices with small screens.

You’ve seen some of the changes that we’ve recently rolled out in my previous post on mobile responsiveness, and today I’d like to share this with you:

Spin Rewriter - Mobile User Experience

Spin Rewriter – Mobile User Experience

The result of the test above means that our website now passes all challenges that stood in our way on the path to a truly great mobile user experience. From large and friendly texts, generous whitespace, larger targets for links and buttons… which also includes a completely redesigned header and footer of the website… all the way to mobile-optimized images and so on and so forth.

Thanks to everyone on the team who had a hand in delivering these updates, and we couldn’t be more excited about it all! 😀 Hope you like it!

Mobile responsiveness for Spin Rewriter

More and more people are using mobile devices such as phones and tablets to do the majority of their internet browsing.

This recently resulted in a big (and very helpful) trend that Wikipedia is calling responsive web design. What it means is, websites should be able to adapt to the device they’re being viewed on.

If someone is visiting a website from the tiny screen on their mobile phone, the website should shrink down and rearrange in a way that makes fonts nice, big and readable, while pushing the less important bits of the website towards the bottom of the page. The visitor can still find and read all parts of the website, they’re just structured differently and in a way that allows for a great mobile experience.

Spin Rewriter has always been designed in a way that allowed for a decent mobile experience — but not necessarily a great one. And we’re always striving for perfection.

This is why we’re working crazy hard on bringing proper mobile responsiveness and a truly GREAT user experience on mobile devices to Spin Rewriter as soon as possible, and we’re quite confident we’ll be able to roll it out even before Spin Rewriter 7.0 goes live on October 12th!

Here’s to progress! 😀


Improved localization in Spin Rewriter

You’ve probably noticed already how Spin Rewriter knows to be extra-helpful by showing your local times next to your spun articles inside the Archive.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re from LA, NYC, London, Moscow, Beijing, Tokyo or Sydney… or any tiny little village in between… the times shown will always be your very own local times to make things super easy for you.

Well, with one tiny exception until now… There’s a few short time periods throughout the year where different timezones switch to daylight saving time a couple of days before other timezones, OR when certain timezones stop using daylight saving time just a bit earlier than the others. And then there’s Arizona where they just don’t care. 😀

Anyway, in some of these short overlaps, your local times could be off by 1 hour in some cases. Nothing too horrible, but then again, that’s now that we’re all about here at Spin Rewriter. We’re always striving for perfection — and when it comes to time localization, we’ve just delivered that perfection with an update earlier today.

Enjoy! 😀

Happy 5th Birthday, Spin Rewriter!

Spin Rewriter is celebrating its 5th birthday today (September 14th, 2016)!

Spin Rewriter's 5th Birthday

Spin Rewriter’s 5th Birthday

I simply can’t believe how quickly this time has passed… I remember launching the first version of Spin Rewriter (on September 14th, 2011) like it was yesterday. It was probably the most stressful time in my life, and also utterly wonderful and magical at the same time.

Within the first couple of days, I was absolutely blown away by the feedback from some of our first users… and calling it “blown away” is probably an understatement in this case. People were going nuts about it.

Spin Rewriter was the first intelligent article spinner in the market back in 2011. It was the first software tool that could tell the difference between “book” as in “novel”, and “book” as in “make a reservation”.

I know, I know… We take these things granted nowadays, with our ENL Semantic Spinning technology having advanced to a point that’s way beyond the basic meaning-extraction. But back then — that was TRULY mindblowing stuff!

And for every year of its life, Spin Rewriter has only gotten better and more popular… and even better loved by tens of thousands of our amazing users.

So let me take this opportunity to say…

To Spin Rewriter: Happy 5th Birthday!

And to our users… You guys are THE BEST!