Tag: rewriter

Save & Resume Projects

That’s right. We’ve received quite a bit of feedback about users wanting to save their projects for later, so they can continue their work some other time.

Well, we just added what you all requested. Now you can save your projects and you can get back to them when you have the time. 😀

Enjoy! 😀

Use any spintax format you want!

Spin Rewriter just received another update, 2 days before the big launch! 😀

Once you’re done with your article, you now have the ability to export your spun article in any spintax format you could possible want. You can go either with the default { first option | second option } or { first option ~ second option } or [ first option | second option ] or even [spin] first option | second option [/spin]. This way you’ll be able to make the most of your articles no matter what. 😀

Are you as excited as we are?! 😀

Sentence level spinning now available

Things are getting super exciting before Wednesday’s BIG Spin Rewriter LAUNCH! 😀

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, we’ve been receiving a ton of feedback about the missing ability to do spinning on the sentence and paragraph level. I already addressed this “issue “back then – the thing is that we wanted our Beta Testers (we love you, guys!) to focus 100% on the amazing ground-breaking single word and phrase spinning abilities of Spin Rewriter. This is where Spin Rewriter really blows everything else out of the water and we wanted to improve this aspect as much as humanly possible.

Well, since there’s only a couple of days left till the launch, we just added the sentence and paragraph level spinning to Spin Rewriter. It’s super straightforward – in the first step, after you place your article in the correct text field, you can spin it by highlighting various sentences and paragraphs. Once you’re done, you move on to single word and phrase level spinning.

Enjoy! 😉

Spin Rewriter launch date SET!

Okey, this is the big one! We’ve finally decided to launch the final version of Spin Rewriter and to offer it to everyone interested. We’ve also set the date. And it’s

September 14th, 2011 (next Wednesday)

There’s so much to do until then in terms of testing, subscription systems, promo material, … but we’re quite confident we’ll be able to do it all.

Stay tuned, things are about to get interesting! 😀

Paragraph and sentence level spinning

We’ve received quite a large number of questions about whether Spin Rewriter is going to support paragraph and sentence level spinning as well. The reason for these questions is most likely the fact that paragraph and sentence level spinning is absent from the current Beta version of Spin Rewriter, primarily due to our 100% focus on the amazing context-aware word level and phrase level spinning that really sets Spin Rewriter apart from its competition.

However, to answer the questions: YES, of course Spin Rewriter will also support paragraph and sentence level spinning when it goes live.

This way everyone gets whatever they could possibly want. We’re really working super hard on this one and I guarantee you that it will exceed your expectations. 😀

Improved spintax fixing

We’ve just further improved our Syntax Fixer or Spintax Fixer, whatever you prefer.

As you probably already know, in the final step of the process Spin Rewriter changes “A {man|guy} ate an {apple|banana}.” to “{A man|A guy} ate {an apple|a banana}” to make sure that all indefinite articles are correct.

You see, the original syntax could have produced “A man ate an banana.” which is clearly wrong – the new syntax properly produces the sentence “A man ate a banana.”

With the latest update we taught our Syntax Fixer to differentiate between the ' character when it’s used as an apostrophe as opposed to when it’s used as a quotation mark. We believe it’s pretty much perfect now, hooray! 😀

Another big update

We’ve just rolled out another important update for the new article rewriting system Spin Rewriter.

This time we focused on improving the artificial intelligence behind it to make it understand your articles even better. We implemented two important additional natural language processing methods (our colleagues over at Stanford and Princetion have been toying around with them for a while now) and we couldn’t be happier with the results. Spin Rewriter now correctly understands over 94% of the tricky ambiguous words with many meanings, and 100% of all other words of course.

If you want to see it in action, sign up and become one of our Beta Testers! 😀

Spin Rewriter is even faster now

With yesterday’s update we managed to cut down the post-processing time (when our software is actually learning from the changes you applied to your article so it can get even better in time) a whopping 82-84%!

This means that the user experience is even smoother now, and once you click the “Continue to the Final Step” you don’t have to wait for more than a couple of seconds. If you have a good internet connection, it actually takes less than 1 second to take you to the final step. 😀

Stay tuned, we’re working hard!

A major update

Just this morning we rolled out one of the major updates of our new article rewriter, called Spin Rewriter.

This includes an even faster user interface, 65% shorter pre-processing time (when our software is figuring out the exact meaning of each word of your text), it also takes 25% less time to generate and sort lists of relevant synonyms now, and the One-Click Rewrite option almost never crashes any more. 😉

Pretty good for a beta product, right? 😀

Why you *should be* excited about Spin Rewriter

Let’s face it, today’s article rewriters can be pretty dumb. They can’t tell the difference between the word “book” in “John will book a hotel room.” and the word “book” in “John will read a book.”

What’s more they always suggest “is going to” and “are going to” for the word “will”. If the original sentence is “John will do this”, then “are going to” doesn’t make much sense, does it? If the original sentence is “Such was his will.” then the situation is even worse. 😉

However, in the last 4 years we experienced a number of incredibly important discoveries in the text manipulation field of Computer Science. With our current technology we’re able to create the best article rewriter the world has ever seen!

What can you really expect from Spin Rewriter? Spin Rewriter means that:

  • You can rewrite your articles using our intelligent One-Click Rewrite system
  • You can create new articles automagically using our collection of 750,000 synonyms
  • You can export articles with the {first option|second option} spintax
  • You can create absolutely unique articles and export hundreds of them at once
  • You can select the desired level of uniqueness of generated articles
  • You can have our software learn your style of writing
  • You can totally dominate everybody else with tons of unique content

And best of all? It’s free at the moment – just sign up to be one of our Beta Testers! 😀