Tag: rewriter

New updates are on the horizon

Even while we’re here in California, we’re still working hard to make sure Spin Rewriter only keeps on getting better and better.

Very soon we’ll be pushing out a new update that will fix some issues, and add some great functionality as well:

  • various shortened verbs (let’s, I’m, etc.) will be treated even more intelligently by our software
  • Spin Rewriter will be able to make even more abbreviations on its own
  • you will be able to have more than 1 unfinished saved project at any time, and these projects will be saved on our servers (so you can continue working on them from any computer!)


Back-end updates

Another set of Spin Rewriter updates, this time very little has been changed in terms of the actual user interface, however these changes might be even more important:

  • Your articles are now finalized (when you’re moving to the final step of the process) 55-65% faster!
  • The database is encrypted and has been further optimized, which means it’s even more responsive now.
  • The learning algorithms can now tell even more reliably how much effort and focus each user put into their work … and only spun articles that were very well-spun by our users are used to teach Spin Rewriter new things.
  • We prepared the theoretical background for preserving HTML links when you spin your articles. You can expect this to be implemented in just a couple of days.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone! πŸ˜€

One giant leap for Spin Rewriter!

Today’s updates are – by a wide margin! – the most important updates we’ve released since Spin Rewriter has been launched on September 14th!

What’s been improved:

  • We have spent the better part of the day closely inspecting the learning process of Spin Rewriter and fine-tuning various elements of it. Spin Rewriter now understands that “all spun articles are not created equal”. What does that really mean? Well, if one of our users spends much more time working on each of their articles than the majority of our other users, if they are much more meticulous when it comes to selecting the correct synonyms, if they do it “by hand” instead of using the “one click rewrite”, if … (there’s another 12 factors!) … Spin Rewriter now values their feedback even more. On the other hand Spin Rewriter can ignore feedback from poorly-spun articles. This will help Spin Rewriter get really amazing – really fast!
  • We have added proper support for auxiliary verbs “has” and “have”. Spin Rewriter now understands when these words are used as an auxiliary verb, and when they mean “be in possession of”. This update alone makes Spin Rewriter’s One Click Rewrite about 15% better!
  • We have added proper support for the verb “be” (in all grammatical tenses and persons!) when it’s used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate (a subject complement). In other words, when it’s used as a “copula”. This means that Spin Rewriter will now rewrite this verb in a much more suitable manner.
  • All exports now contain text files that have meaningful names. The general rule of thumb is that the text files are named using the first 6 words of your original article. This will make it much easier for you to keep track of your exported spun articles.
  • We have added a number of additional explanations throughout the website and registration / welcome / sign-up emails, so you should be able to figure everything out almost instantly now.

If you’ve managed to read through all of this, I’m sure you’ll agree that these are the most important updates we’ve ever released publicly. They don’t have much to do with the actual user interface, but we believe Spin Rewriter has been improved 15-25% today alone. And with the new and improved learning system it will only keep on getting better at a tremendous rate.

We’re doing everything we can to make sure you guys love our product, and we won’t stop till we’re the undisputed number 1 in the market!

Thanks! πŸ˜€


Negated auxiliary verbs – improved!

You might not know what the title of this post is trying to say. In fact, you shouldn’t really care about that – it’s our job to do so.

In short, it means that Spin Rewriter is now even better when it comes to words such as “don’t”, “couldn’t”, “mustn’t”, “hasn’t” etc.

And we have some great updates planned for tomorrow as well, including the annoying “individualses” bug … it will all be taken care of tomorrow! πŸ˜€

Spin Rewriter improved – again

You’ve probably gotten used to our quick updates by now. Today we’re releasing 4 new updates:

  • you can now check out the original (not spun) articles from your Archive
  • we added Firefox 3.6 support because many of you are still using this old version of Firefox because of add-on compatibility
  • you can now set a custom “article separator” text when you’re exporting hundreds of unique articles into a single text file
  • you can request promo copy samples (etc.) from your affiliate panel

Tomorrow we’re planning another update that will be a bit bigger, or more fundamental – we’ll further improve the way Spin Rewriter is handling verbs like can’t, doesn’t, hasn’t, …

Stay tuned! πŸ˜€

6 more updates!

No sleep for us. πŸ˜€

We’ve just rolled out another 6 great updates, and we’ve got another batch of them “in the oven” for Monday or Tuesday.

What’s new, what’s been added:

  • you can import pre-spun articles that are using any spintax format, and they’ll be automatically converted to Spin Rewriter’s spintax in Step 2
  • we have joined the first 2 steps into a single step, made everything much easier and even more robust, and it should make Spin Rewriter even faster
  • when you’re rewriting your article on the paragraph/sentence level, your article is automatically saved every 2 seconds – this way you never lose your work, even if you close your browser by accident!
  • you can now use a special button to immediately jump back from the final step to Step 2 (edit mode)
  • we have made the color scheme easier on the eyes – words with synonyms are green (instead of red), buttons have black text (instead of red), etc.
  • we have added “Quick Tips” to some phases of the process – these should provide answers to the most common questions
  • some other minor issues were fixed

Once again – hope you like it! πŸ˜€

Today’s awesome updates

We’re still not resting, not even a little bit. Here are some of the huge Spin Rewriter updates we just rolled out:

  • you can now press the “R” button just next to the “T” and “A” buttons to quickly use the currently selected synonyms with every occurence of the current word in the whole article
  • you can see the word count of your article before proceeding to Step 3
  • we have improved the learning algorithms that are actively improving Spin Rewriter SO MUCH that it’s hard to believe – within a month Spin Rewriter will produce articles of amazing quality!

I hope you like all of this, it only makes Spin Rewriter shine even more – and we couldn’t be more excited about that!

Thanks to everybody who hopped on board and is already using Spin Rewriter,
you guys seriously rock,

Aaron πŸ˜€

A bunch of updates

The launch frenzy still hasn’t settled down, however I was able to find a couple of hours in between writing a ton of emails to introduce some great updates to Spin Rewriter.

Yes, that’s correct – Spin Rewriter is already getting better not only by learning from its users about the quality of various synonyms and meanings, but we’re also actively improving user experience and adding new cool features.

Here’s what was updated in the last 24 hours alone:

  • we fine-tuned the uniqueness meter that tells you how unique your generated articles will be
  • we added support to ignore whole phrases (multiple words) when doing a One Click Rewrite
  • we have changed the 800-word limit to a much higher one that you shouldn’t hit when rewriting your articles
  • you are now able to delete finished articles from your archive
  • you can export up to 400 unique version of your article in 400 text files, OR in a single text file
  • Spin Rewriter now automatically fixes most common misspellings (dont, doesnt, hasnt, havent, wierd, definately, etc.)
  • we fixed and improved a bunch of other stuff

Hope you guys like it! πŸ˜€


Launch exceeded our wildest dreams

It’s been about 24 hours since the launch and things … well, things are still crazy around here.

I’m having some slight issues typing this, partly because of the fact that I haven’t slept properly for a couple of days, and partly because of the fact that I’m still absolutely amazed at how great everything worked out.

We signed up over 300 subscribers in the first hour alone (5 subscribers per minute!) and this trend hasn’t slowed down too much, even though it’s been close to 24 hours now. It’s absolutely crazy to be a part of this.

I’d like to thank everybody who made this possible. And – most importantly – I’d like to thank our users … it’s the best feeling in the world to receive hundreds upon hundreds of emails from people telling you that they absolutely LOVE your product.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! πŸ˜€

Spin Rewriter featured on Dailymotion

Spin Rewriter has just been featured on Dailymotion where a super experienced marketer (he’s been in the business since 2000!) named Dax Deegan posted a thorough 15-minute review of my new product.

His conclusion? “The video was pretty compelling, so I decided to try it out and I am absolutely shocked at what Spin Rewriter is capable of. It’s amazing software and I have NO DOUBT, this is the new β€œbest spinner”.”

I have to admit I haven’t slept for more than 10 hours in the last 4 days while we’re getting ready for the launch, but this just made my day … πŸ˜€

EDIT: Ooh, I just noticed he also did a blog entry on Spin Rewriter! Sweet!

I couldn’t be more excited about tomorrow’s launch right now … πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€