Category: My Products

We just bought the domain name

So…… Here’s the thing, haha 😀

It seems like a decent chunk of our user-base (and especially potential user-base of people who have already heard about us a couple of times, but haven’t actually signed up just yet) thinks that the name of our product is…

Spin Writer.

Hmmm, sounds close enough, right? 😀

Anyway, we didn’t want anyone to get confused, or to have to stare at a blank page if they type the SpinWriter domain name into their web browser… so we just bought the LUDICROUSLY-EXPENSIVE domain name. 😀

And, of course, it now redirects everyone straight to, haha 😉

Spin Rewriter also just got an official iPhone (iOS) app!

Apple’s review team for iOS apps took their sweet time, but now we’re extremely happy to announce that the official Spin Rewriter iOS app for the iPhone just got published in the App Store!

It’s called Spin Rewriter GOLD (just like its Android counterpart), it’s a native & well-polished iOS app for your iPhone, and you can grab it for free right from the official Apple’s App Store:

Much like it’s Android sibling, this FREE app allows our GOLD Members to take full advantage of the power of its built-in ENL Semantic Spinning technology even when you’re on the go, using your iPhone. We hope you like this iOS app, too! 😀

Spin Rewriter's iOS app: Spin Rewriter GOLD

Spin Rewriter got an official Android app!

That’s right, Spin Rewriter has now got a full-fledged, native, well-polished Android app!

It’s called Spin Rewriter GOLD and you can grab it for free right here in the official Android Play Store:

Here’s the description from the app’s page in the store:

Spin Rewriter GOLD app allows you to take full advantage of its built-in ENL Semantic Spinning technology right from your phone.

The app comes with an option to process texts while selecting your desired level of spinning. You can choose to spin your texts on both sentence and paragraph level, you can have a summary of your text generated automatically, you can change the structure of sentences and of course protect capitalized words and a specified list of keywords.

When generating new texts you will also be presented with a range of options, from using just the suggested synonyms to reordering paragraphs and bullet points in unordered lists.

The app also comes with Spin Rewriter’s signature “low”, “medium” and “high” confidence levels of spinning built right in.

Spin Rewriter’s new official FREE Android app allows all our GOLD Members to access the full power of Spin Rewriter’s ENL Semantic Spinning right from their phone. We hope you like it as much as we do! 😀

Happy 4th Birthday, Spin Rewriter!

They grow up so fast, don’t they?!?

It was September 14th, 2011… exactly 4 years ago… when a big-eyed and hopeful new piece of software greeted its users for the very first time. It turns out they loved him very much, and kept him happy and well nourished ever since… so he grew, and grew, and grew.

And TODAY, Spin Rewriter turned 4 years old. Happy Birthday!

Spin Rewriter's 4th Birthday

Spin Rewriter API keys system updated

We just rolled out another “silent” update to the Spin Rewriter API infrastructure.

What I mean by “silent” is that you’ll hopefully never notice that we even rolled it out. Unless you need one of its new benefits, that is. The new “API keys” system makes it possible to revoke or change API keys for existing users which will prove to be very helpful in the long run.

For example, if you were recording a promotional video about Spin Rewriter for your users and you unintentionally revealed your API key in the video, there’s nothing to worry about anymore. You can just contact our support desk and they’ll revoke your old API key (because it’s now publicly known) and re-issue you a new one.

Onwards and upwards with awesome behind-the-scenes updates! 😉

Smooth sailin’


It’s always quite stressful whenever we’re tweaking any particular bit of our server network… Let alone completely revamping our infrastructure, upgrading every server in the process, and rolling out HTTPS (SSL) at the same time!

But now, after 2 full weeks, I can confidently say that our server infrastructure upgrade has been a resounding success all-around!

It’s been smooth sailing for 14 straight days now, without even a hint of issues or down-time, and our users are reporting an even better user experience than before. And that’s always a huge success in our book!


Biggest server upgrade ever is looking GOOD!

As mentioned in my post from August 5th (and my other post from August 7th) we’ve just rolled out the biggest server infrastructure upgrade EVER in the entire history of Spin Rewriter.

We started moving all data over to the new infrastructure at 11:42 AM EDT today. The first instance of downtime occurred at 11:48 EDT and lasted 6 minutes. The second (and last) instance of downtime occurred at 1:22 PM EDT and lasted 14 minutes.

When all our websites became available once again at 1:36 PM EDT, the spinning functionality of Spin Rewriter took an additional 26 minutes to fully reboot.

Since 2:02 PM EDT all of our systems have been up & running, and running better than ever before! 😀

As an added bonus, we also switched the entire Spin Rewriter website over to the HTTPS protocol with an SSL certificate today, for added security and reliability.

This means you can update your bookmarks to 😀

Bottom line, I hope you’re going to LOVE this new, snappier, even more robust Spin Rewriter! 😉

< Part 1: We’re working on the biggest server upgrade EVER
< Part 2: Our biggest server upgrade ever just became even BIGGER

Our biggest server upgrade ever just became even BIGGER

I already told you a little bit about our upcoming humongous server upgrade two days ago, on Wednesday… and I’m super happy to say that the upgrade is coming along very nicely, indeed!

We’ve settled on the final configuration of our new servers and we’ve already rolled out a parallel grid of brand-new servers with an identical copy of Spin Rewriter so we can work on the copy without disturbing anyone on the actual “live” website. Right now we’re in the testing stage and I believe we’ve already squashed most of the bugs that felt like making an appearance after the huge server migration.

In other words, we’re progressing quite nicely! So nicely, in fact, that we’ve decided to go a step further than planned while still sticking to our original timeframe. With the finalized server upgrade next week we’re now also planning to roll out SSL support, in other words that green “https” version of the Spin Rewriter website for extra security and reliability.

We’re very excited about this (as you can probably tell), and will keep you posted! 😉

> Part 3: Biggest server upgrade ever is looking GOOD!