Category: My Products

Improved parallelization of CPU-intensive tasks, Part II

OK, we’re back!

As I mentioned in the previous post (published on February 9th), here at Spin Rewriter we always strive to further improve our server infrastructure and fine-tune our code. We’re looking to deliver faster and better software that’s more intuitive and more robust than ever before.

We’ve now taken advantage of some new opportunities to parallelize certain aspects of Spin Rewriter’s existing spinning process. This means that we’re now able to run certain parts of the spinning process on multiple processors (CPUs) on different servers at the same time instead of running it on just one server.

Here’s a simplified explanation of the benefits this brings. Imagine you have an article with 20 sentences. We can either have our software detect the parts-of-speech on each of those sentences in a row, and if it takes our software one second to analyze every sentence, we’re looking at 20 x 1 second = 20 seconds of waiting time for the user.

We can, however, break this article down into 20 separate sentences — and send each of these sentences to a different server in our grid at the same time. Each of those 20 servers then processes just one sentence, and only 1 second later we get the processed results back to the central system.

The result: The same article is now fully processed in just 1 second instead of 20.

And the result that matters much more than that: Our users are even happier! 😀

Of course the exact real-world situation isn’t as cut and dry, but we were still able to roll out a significant improvement in speed and robustness of our spinning systems — and we hope you’ll love it!

Improved parallelization of CPU-intensive tasks

OK, the title of this post might sound a bit “high and mighty”, but hopefully it shouldn’t be too difficult to understand once we break it down a bit.

As you probably already know, our server infrastructure is quite state-of-the-art which allows Spin Rewriter to have great uptime and to always process all of your articles, find the best synonyms, manipulate sentence structures, export thousands of text files etc. etc. in a matter of seconds.

We always strive to further improve our infrastructure and our back-end software code. Faster, better, more intuitive, more robust — this is what drives us.

We’ve recently dug extra deeply into our software and found some new opportunities to parallelize some aspects of the spinning process. In other words, we’re now able to run a certain aspect of the spinning process on multiple processors (CPUs) on different servers at the same time instead of running it on just one server.

We’ll bring you more details in our next post, however right now we can already give you a hint that GREAT things are underway. Stay tuned! 😉


Our WordPress plugin just got even better!

We’ve been focusing quite a bit of our energy on the official Spin Rewriter WordPress Plugin lately, and I’m super happy to say it’s becoming even more amazing than it already was.

As I mentioned in my post last week, we’re rolling out new settings that give you additional control over everything that happens on your WordPress websites. Today we’re taking all of this another step further… Because with today’s latest update, you’ll be given the same kind of additional control over the Big Content Search portion of our plugin as well.

A new addition to the BCS settings...You'll always know exactly what's about to happen.

Feel free to update your Spin Rewriter WordPress Plugin to the latest version right away, and you’ll be able to take these awesome new features for a spin right away! 😉

New feature for our WordPress plugin

The holidays haven’t slowed us down one bit, and we’ve just rolled out a new update for the official Spin Rewriter WordPress plugin.

With this new update we’re giving you the option to decide whether you want your newly generated posts to be published immediately, or saved as Drafts so you can review and publish them manually later on.

This gives you even more control over what’s happening on your WordPress websites. This way you’re getting the best of both worlds — your new posts can be created automatically following a pre-determined schedule without you having to do anything, AND you can still manually review and publish them to make sure all content on your websites is top-notch.

To get access to this new feature, simply log into your WordPress Admin panel and update the Spin Rewriter plugin to the latest version.

There's a new setting available for the Spin Rewriter WordPress plugin!

Here you can see the new feature in action...

Hope you like the new update! 😉

Last algorithm update for 2015

Christmas is now so close we can almost smell the eggnog and the mistletoe and mulled wine… and presents! Let’s not forget about the presents! 😀

Speaking of which, as our final present for 2015 we’ve just rolled out yet another spinning algorithm update for Spin Rewriter 6.0 earlier this morning. Lately we’ve noticed that some words were sometimes being duplicated once they’ve made their way through the whole process of synonym selection.

Our engineers rolled up their sleeves and went to work immediately — and I’m super happy to say we’ve now squashed that tiny little bug, and made Spin Rewriter even better!

And here’s just a tiny screenshot of what our bug-hunting adventure looked like this time around:

No more mishaps with repeated words!

It was quite a bit of fun fixing these minor mishaps! 😉

Happy Holidays,

Aaron 😀

Our WordPress plugin just got even better

The official Spin Rewriter WordPress Plugin just got even better!

As you might know, our awesome plugin lets you use the full power of Spin Rewriter and its ENL Semantic Spinning technology to spin & republish your existing blog posts as soon as they reach a certain age (e.g. 7 days, or 3 weeks, or 2 months). This way your blogs are always chock-full of new and exciting unique content, and it can all happen completely on auto-pilot without any effort on your part.

Today’s newest upgrade makes all of this even easier. You can now quickly select those of your existing blog posts that you do not want to get spun and re-published, and you can even exclude ALL of your blog posts with a single click and then manually pick just those that you do want to feed to our automated algorithm. 😉

Check it out, it’s super cool (and extremely powerful in terms of SEO)!

We’ve improved the Archive functionality

We’ve just rolled out a new update that makes the Archive even more handy and usable.

You can now select multiple articles at the same time (e.g. if you want to delete them from your archive) with a single click of the “master checkbox”. Of course you can still manually select just a specific subset of all your articles, OR deal with them one-by-one.

Check out the new feature over at Spin Rewriter. 😉

We’re manually reviewing the synonyms in bulk…

Exciting news!

As you know, Spin Rewriter is constantly learnings new synoynms and new use-cases from its tens of thousands of users (yes, that’s you guys!).

Usually it’s very good at determining just how helpful these new synonyms are, and usually it can sort them into all the correct folders. For example, usually it can say “oh, this is a proper noun, in singular form… and this right here, it’s a lovely verb, in past perfect tense, let’s put it here.”

But sometimes — gasp! — our machine learning algorithm can miss the mark and sort something into the wrong folder. After all, it’s only human. Hmmm, no, wait… that doesn’t make any sense. 😀

Anyway, we’re always closely monitoring the machine learning aspect of Spin Rewriter, and we’re super happy to say that the database of synonyms has never been bigger & better than it is right now.

But this November (just a couple of weeks after celebrating Spin Rewriter’s 4th birthday!) we’ve also decided to invest literally thousands of man-hours into manually going over each and every synonym in the database to make sure they’ve all been entered and processed correctly. And this is only going to make Spin Rewriter even better!


New feature in our WordPress Plugin

We have just rolled out another amazing feature for the official Spin Rewriter WordPress Plugin.

You will now see a dedicated “Spin this post with Spin Rewriter” button right below all of your posts, whether you’re creating a brand new post or editing an existing one. By clicking that button, you’ll be able to send your current text inside the post editor to Spin Rewriter so it gets spun and transformed into brand new, unique text.

They say a picture is worth 1000 words. So I’m guessing a video is worth a 1000 pictures? 😀

Here’s the video of the new feature in action:

Fun with words (or, “what we’re up against”)

Today I came across a fun video that shines some extra light on the stuff we’re dealing with when developing the ENL Semantic Spinning technology that’s packed right into Spin Rewriter (version 6.0 of which was just released last Wednesday!).

So yeah, if you’re curious to see what we’re up against when processing the natural language with the help of trusty computers, take a look at this short & sweet video:

“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.”

Yup, that’s a perfectly valid sentence. The video above reveals what it actually means. 😉