Category: My Products

Spin Rewriter API up & running, we’re almost there!

Yup, that’s right!

Spin Rewriter APIΒ  version 1.0 is up and running, supposedly all functionality has been finished and polished, and it’s being stress-tested at the moment.

While we’re performing these final tests, we’re also writing the documentation for all of you developers out there – this way it will be extremely easy to integrate Spin Rewriter with your apps! We decided to go the extra mile and even provide fully functional code samples, as well as a Spin Rewriter SDK for the most experienced developers (at the beginning all this code will be available in PHP, however the basic principles are the same across all programming languages).

We are realistically expecting experienced developers to be able to fully integrate their app with the Spin Rewriter API in less than 15 minutes. And that’s quite a promise, we’re sure you agree! πŸ˜€

One-Click Rewrite improved

We introduced a couple of new changes to the part of the Spin Rewriter web app that handles the One-Click Rewrite process …

Now you don’t simply get an estimate of the time the One-Click Rewrite process is going to take, you also get an accurate timer that counts down the seconds so you have a better feeling of how far along you actually are at any given moment.

We also made sure that if you cancel the One-Click Rewrite process while it’s still being performed on your article, you’re able to start a new one right away and your article stays perfectly formatted all this time. And we did our best to make the option to prevent selected keywords and key phrases from getting spun even more prominent and easier to notice.

That’s not all we’re introducing with this most recent update though … you know us. πŸ˜‰ We also made sure that abbreviations such as ‘re (are) and ‘ve (have) now always stick to the word that precedes them. This wasn’tΒ  always the case and it caused some confusion in the past. When you replace the ‘re with something like ‘are actually’, a new space is added in front of the new synonym so your text stays perfect. Spin Rewriter now also recognized the verb ‘have’ both when auxiliary (e.g. “I have done something.”) and when contracted (“I’ve no idea.”).

Oh, and before I forget – December is here, the most magical month of the year! Have fun! πŸ˜€

Spin Rewriter more robust & updated

Today we rolled out a pretty major Spin Rewriter update package, and we wanted to let you know about it. πŸ˜‰

  • Spin Rewriter is now more robust. Should it happen that our server loses connection to your browser for a couple of seconds, Spin Rewriter will automatically detect that, wait for 15 seconds and re-attempt to do what you wanted in the first place.
  • If you’re a bit hurried when you spin your articles on the sentence level and you sometimes introduce multiple periods at the end of random sentences as a result of that, you are going to love this update – it fixes all issues with multiple periods.
  • When you spin the article on sentence level, your new sentences will be trimmed of new-lines at the beginning and at the end before they are inserted into the actual text. This way you don’t get unwanted new paragraphs.
  • When you add a completely new phrase as a synonym for an existing phrase, the correct capitalization is preserved.

Aaand we have another update prepared for tomorrow. That’s right, tomorrow. πŸ˜€

(All the while we’re working on our API that will be released some time this week as well …) πŸ˜‰

Spin Rewriter API coming out later this week!

Yes, that’s right!

We’re releasing the official Spin Rewriter API later this week. I lost count after we received something like 400 requests for an API to be added, and we’ve been working on it for almost 2 months now, so it should be pretty good. πŸ˜€

What does this mean? It means that sooner or later you will find Spin Rewriter integrated in all your favorite internet marketing applications such as SEnuke, WP Robot, etc. All you will have to do is enter your Spin Rewriter username and password within another application and this application will be able to use your Spin Rewriter account to automatically produce unique high quality content on your behalf.

We can’t wait to see what all those creative devs do with our API … so stay tuned! πŸ˜€

Spin Rewriter is FAST (once again), hooray!

You might have noticed that Spin Rewriter was a bit slow at times during these last couple of days … there’s a number of reasons for that, but – in the end – we reached our goal and made it faster than ever! πŸ˜€

The response of the Internet Marketing community has exceeded our wildest expectations, and Spin Rewriter is growing at a rate of hundreds of new users per week, which means we’re constantly upgrading our server-grid specs, tweaking settings and optimizing algorithms to make sure it works well for everyone. We finished a big part of this project about 40 hours ago, and the results that we’re seeing are amazing:

  • average server load dropped over 70%
  • 85% of all requests are now handled immediately, i.e. within 0.5 seconds (!)
  • 15% of all requests are waiting on average less than 1.5 seconds before being fully processed by our server
  • this makes the Spin Rewriter web app one of the fastest web applications available today!

We hope you love the new “snappy” Spin Rewriter, and we’ll keep on working hard to make sure you’re satisfied with us in the future as well! πŸ˜€

New updates on the horizon

Spin Rewriter will soon become yet another tiny bit more awesome … πŸ˜€

Some time in the next couple of days we’re introducing an update that will do the following:

  • Β Spin Rewriter will automatically make sure that you don’t get duplicated words. For instance, if your article says “online marketers” and you pick the synonym “internet” for “online” and the synonym “internet marketers” for “marketers”, Spin Rewriter will make sure that you never get something stupid like “internet internet marketers”.
  • You’ll probably get the option to export your spun articles in a CSV file that can be used with Linkvana.
  • While you spin your text on sentence-level, you will no longer have to manually select each sentence first. You’ll be able to jump to the very next sentence by simply clicking a button.

All of this will make Spin Rewriter even more powerful, and it will save you even more time. πŸ˜€ Stay tuned! … there’s more to come. πŸ˜‰


Spin Distribute network updated

We’ve rolled up our sleeves and we’re already introducing some cool updates, to start off this lovely week … πŸ˜‰

This time we focused on our in-house article distribution system, called Spin Distribute, and we made sure that it’s now better than ever! We always have at least 1,400 working article directories in our distribution network, and we always make sure that each article that is submitted by our clients gets distributed to at least 700-900 highly relevant directories. However, this time we went a step further and we added almost 400 new top quality (high PageRank, high number of incoming links, high number of indexed pages by various search engines) content-rich websites to our network.

This means that Spin Distribute got even better … and it’s already been pretty darn good. πŸ˜€

We’re back!

Back from almost a month of travelling around the States … jet-lagged, tired, super tired even, and incredibly excited about what the future holds! πŸ˜‰

Once we get some rest (and that should certainly happen before Monday rolls in!) we’ll return into our usual super-productive mode, and we’ve already got updates cooking for both Spin Rewriter and Spin Distribute which are – at this moment – certainly our flagship online services. At least some of these updates will be released as soon as this Monday!

Stay tuned! πŸ˜€

Learnings algorithms thoroughly inspected – again

As most of you know, we are super obsessed with the quality of articles that are produced by Spin Rewriter. This means we need to closely monitor the learning process that helps Spin Rewriter get even better 100% of the time, and we need to make sure Spin Rewriter is only learning “the good stuff” and isn’t picking up any bad habits whatsoever.

To ensure this, we’re performing regular super-thorough checks of the learning algorithms and the effects that have recently been introduced by these algorithms. We’re doing another one of these checks today – it’s supposed to last at least 8 man-hours, and we are certain that it will ensure an even brighter future for Spin Rewriter! (… and it seems crazy bright as it is, but I don’t want to jinx it) πŸ˜€

Stay tuned! πŸ˜€

Database issues

We’d like to publicly apologize for the on-and-off availability of the Spin Rewriter software earlier today. We believe we have successfully resolved all issues.

We have been working crazy hard to fix the database issues and we’re still investigating the matters to make sure this sort of thing never happens again. Something like this has never happened before ever since we launched Spin Rewriter, and we’re doing our very best to make sure this never happens again.

What went wrong? The response of the Internet Marketing community has exceeded our wildest expectations, and Spin Rewriter is growing at a rate of hundreds of new users per week which means we’re expanding our computing resources to make sure it works well for everyone. In the process our primary database got overwhelmed and crashed. We believe that everything should be perfectly fine from now on.

We’re constantly working really hard to further improve our product, and we’re very sorry about this inconvenience. We’ll do our best to make sure this doesn’t happen again, ever.

If you run into us, we owe you a beer.