Category: My Products

The Updated “Getting Started” Video (and an announcement!)

As you have probably noticed, we are constantly updating and improving Spin Rewriter. Two months ago we changed the UI (user interface). A month ago, we optimized the code to make it even faster than it was. Even the Blog Post Spinner plugin was updated and some new features were added. In my last post, I’ve promised to launch the updated version of our SEO Blueprint – it’s coming very soon!

Today I’d like to let you know that we have also updated the “Getting started tutorial video.” All the additional features have been added to it — and everything is presented in a way that is easily understandable to all our users (including everyone who is just getting started in this business).

You can watch the video here:

And a special announcement? We are also preparing a special series of short tutorial videos. With ALL of Spin Rewriter functions explained, they will definitely help you get the most out of it. These new videos will be especially recommended to users who don’t want to read our (detailed) guide and prefer to watch our software in action.

I’ll tell you more about these new video tutorials as soon as the first video is finished (there is going to be 10 videos in total). With some luck, it’s going to be done this week. I’m quite excited to show it to you! 😉

[Announcement] Spin Rewriter’s main bonus update

These days, each and every Spin Rewriter user can download our special 30-Day SEO Blueprint — it’s an amazing day-by-day tutorial that guides your hand for the first 30 days of your SEO journey with Spin Rewriter and helps you achieve great rankings with very little effort. It describes the step-by-step process of using Spin Rewriter in the SEO world, and it shows you EXACTLY what you need to do every single day in order to rank higher. It’s also FREE and it’s going to stay FREE — it comes as a bonus with Spin Rewriter.

It was downloaded by more than 20,000 users already. And our users are mostly describing it as being “better than every SEO guide they ever bought.” 😉

However, because SEO is constantly changing, our SEO guide needed some updates as well. We’ve added a number of new SEO tricks, including a couple of new link building methods that will help you rank your websites even faster. Because of all the great new content we even had to extend the guide for 4 extra days. Still, free of charge. 😀

You can expect to read it soon, very soon actually — I’ll send an email to all Spin Rewriter users when it goes public.

In the meantime, feel absolutely free to continue following the existing guide — it still works very well! It helped me get from the original 7,000 daily visitors on one of my websites to over 30,000 daily visitors (at the moment of writing). And it’s going to help YOU as well. 😉

Wow… Spin Rewriter now even faster!

I admit it’s been a little while since I wrote my last post here. However, despite the fact that it’s summer time, I wasn’t on vacation. 😉

As you probably already know, my team and I are working hard on the next version of Spin Rewriter, the Spin Rewriter 4.0. Everything should be finished by the end of September, and I’m sooo excited to show it to you! 😀

In the meantime, we’ve also made some smaller changes. Just last month we updated the UI (user interface). And now, we’ve also optimized the spinning process to make Spin Rewriter even faster. To be exact, 17.4% faster. We are aware of the fact that Spin Rewriter is mostly used by SEO professionals and when it comes to doing business, every second counts. Feel free to spin one article right away to see the speed improvement for yourself.

We’ve already received some more-than-positive feedback, both from our in-house testers and our “out in the wild” users. We’d love to hear your opinion as well. 😉

Our new user interface … mmm, so clean!

We literally just rolled out the updated Spin Rewriter user interface a couple of minutes ago … and now we’re clicking through every last part of Spin Rewriter’s options just to make sure everything runs smoothly on our productions servers as well.

The feedback we’ve been getting from our in-house testers has been pretty amazing — and I sure hope you like our new look, too! 😉

Spin Rewriter is getting a cleaner user interface

In a week or two, we’ll be rolling out an even cleaner user interface — this means you’ll be able to do your daily spinning even faster, and even more effortlessly.

This interface update will also come with larger, friendlier, easier-to-read fonts.

Our in-house tests are looking very VERY promising, and I’m sure you’re going to love the update. 😉

Article Spinning: The Future

I’ve probably come across the question of “the future of article spinning” at least a 1,000 times. I see it in Spin Rewriter’s support emails. I see it on many forums as well. And, I was discussing it with some of the top internet marketers on the Online Underground Seminar in Washington.

What do I think about it? Since I have been in the very narrow business of article spinning for almost 3 years now, I have some predictions. But before we discuss the future, let’s take a look at the past.

How Was Article Spinning First “Invented”?

Article spinning was born because of the content needs of online marketers. At that time (before all the important Google updates), quantity was king. If you were able to produce more content than your competitor, you had nothing to worry about. And because of the well-known Google “duplicate content” filters, your content needed to look unique.

This wasn’t hard at all — you simply replaced some words with synonyms and you were done. When the first auto spinners came on the market, their job was not to produce high quality content. Vice versa — they had to produce A LOT of content that looked unique to the mighty Google’s eyes. At that time, Google didn’t really have any “quality content” filters, so as long as your content was “unique”, that was good enough for them … and in turn, for you!

Google Algorithm Changes

Eventually, Google started recognizing such content (it wasn’t that hard at all, since there were many versions of these articles available online) and started marking it as “duplicate content”. So, internet marketers had to begin spinning content on different levels — they moved from word-level spinning to sentence-level and paragraph-level spinning. At that point, Google once again wasn’t able to recognize this type of spun content as duplicate anymore (i.e. this content looked unique to them), but their algorithms developed in a way that Google was now able to recognize it as low quality content.

Simply said, Google considered well spun content unique, but Google also knew that that content is of low quality — largely, this content was completely unreadable. And so, this content lost a lot of value which certainly wasn’t the best news for internet marketers.

Spin Rewriter – The Game Changer

Then … there came Spin Rewriter. I created it with the intention of helping internet marketers all across the globe get more content. And I knew that the content doesn’t only need to be unique — it has to be of high quality as well! My only realistic option was to make an algorithm that is able to understand the meaning of every word and then only use the most appropriate synonyms for each word. However, word-level spinning was (of course) not quite enough — we needed to spin articles on the sentence and paragraph level as well. And, in the most recent version of Spin Rewriter, we also added the ground-breaking options for sentence manipulation, a special option that changes the entire structure of sentences.

And the future?

So, now that we can see a rough sketch of the past, the future probably looks extremely clear. What can we expect?

There is a pretty obvious trend that moves webmaster’s work from quantity to quality. One quality backlink is worth more than 100 low quality ones. So, it’s better to spend your money (and time) on quality links.

In the future, high quality content will outrank low quality content. Even more, low quality content will slowly and surely lose all of its value. So, article spinners that produce low quality content will become (even more) useless.

So, articles spinners need to adjust. I can confidently say that Spin Rewriter is already producing the highest quality content among all article spinners currently available. And we are constantly working to make it even better!

In the future, we will most likely start to generate less articles from one original article — because we will need to make sure the generated articles are of the highest quality on the one hand, and we’ll also need to make sure the generated articles are as different from each other and from the original article as possible on the other hand! To accomplish this, we will also need to find some other — completely new! — levels of spinning as well. I already have a coupe of really powerful approaches in my head … just wait until you see the next version of Spin Rewriter. 😉

Will Google Stop With The Updates?

Of course not! Google knows that their search results could be better and they need to constantly tweak their algorithm to improve them. And we appreciate that, because we HATE spammers. So, our goal is to produce spun content that genuinely adds value. Spun content that is well readable and delivers a clear message to the end user. Because of this, we are happy (!) to watch all the new algorithm updates as they roll in!

A Short Conclusion…

So, article spinning is going to help webmasters in the future as well. Quality will finally beat quantity and, in order to keep up with future Google’s algorithm changes, spinning tools will need to deliver high quality, well readable and highly unique content that actually delivers value to its readers, i.e. internet users.

I am happy to say that there is a piece of great news here — Spin Rewriter meets Google standards now, and it’s going to meet them in the future as well. You have my word on that.

And, as always — if you have any suggestions on how to further improve Spin Rewriter, please send an email to my support department. We take all your ideas very seriously. 😉


5 Most Popular Article Spinning MYTHS

Two weeks ago, I was doing a webinar for Chris Munch’s subscribers. It was an interesting experience — it turned out that 50% of all webinar participants were already using Spin Rewriter. They asked me many questions about article spinning, about my spinning methods and — of course — my future plans for Spin Rewriter.

Some questions were especially interesting — mostly because I mistakenly believed that people already knew the answers. It turned out that this was not the case, at all. These questions were referring to some of the well known “article spinning myths”, which I — again, mistakenly! — thought were no longer discussed. I would like to present these 5 most popular article spinning myths to you as well.

Continue reading

This is the NEXT level of spinning!

Hey! … I’ve just received this amazing piece of feedback from one of our users, and I simply have to share it with you.

This is exactly what we’ve been working so hard all this time to achieve. And I’m really really happy right now. 😀


So far I am loving the program. I don’t just do the rewrite and done I do rewrite then one click rewrite to get all of the synonyms and make the article as unique as possible. Because I do this I usually have to read through and change a couple of things or remove extra words but usually only 5 max.After I did this for the first article and read the old one and the new one side by side I was amazed. The spun article made the previous article look like junk content. I liked the synonyms and wording better in the spun article and so far it seems like people who read the articles do to. I use it in conjunction with wikiwizard which I have only been using for a couple of weeks now but when I started using both that and your program I was amazed at how many more people viewed the article. I started with 2 or 3 hits the first week then posted again a couple of days ago and over 30 people accessed the article in a couple of hrs.

So your program is doing wonders so far as far as getting people to actually read the full article not just start and leave because the content is not interesting or entertaining enough for them to read. I think this program is great and anyone who is not using it should be, it really helps for wikis, blogs, news articles and any other thing you are thinking about posting anywhere on the web. Plus better content means more hits which means more people will click through and the relevant content will help my sites be seen as better sites in the eyes of google.

I know I could say so much more and I know you know all of this as well but as far as using this for my seo work I think this program will help me help my clients to get higher rankings on google and give them better content that will entice the reader and get the reader excited about what they are reading and want to know more. So thanks for the great product and thank’s for the wordpress plugin as well. This will help my clients who want a blog but don’t have the time to update it weekly. A great idea and great way to keep them from sitting stagnant and getting hit hard by google for never updating.

Sean, you are VERY welcome! 😀

Are you guys ready for 4.0?

That’s right … we’re already working hard on the 4.0 version of Spin Rewriter, the world’s most advanced (and easy to use) article spinner.

We’ve got some truly ground-breaking stuff in the pipeline for you, and I’m really excited about it … So stay tuned! 😉

And if you’ve got any suggestions, feedback, ideas, … for the 4.0 version — feel absolutely free to either contact our Live Support, or shoot us an email.

Thank you in advance!

The Underground seminar was amazing!

Yanik’s seminar was a huge success and I must say I had a ton of fun.

Most of the time I simply couldn’t believe just how many people there are either using or promoting Spin Rewriter, and how passionate they all are about it. It’s been an amazing experience and it’s given me (and the whole team, by extension) a metric ton of extra energy that we’re going to put into making Spin Rewriter even better. If that’s possible. 😉

It was a great pleasure meeting everyone — and those of you who weren’t there, can check out a short & sweet video right here. 😀