Category: My Products

Spin Rewriter’s servers just got even faster!

As you guys know, Spin Rewriter’s popularity has been absolutely exploding ever since we released version 1.0 all the way back in September 2011.

2013 and — especially! — 2014 have been simply amazing and we’ve been signing up new users at an incredible rate. However, as the saying goes: with a great number of users comes great responsibility. 😀

Between our users using the website interface and our API to spin their articles, we’re now processing literally thousands of articles every single hour. In order to keep our servers responsive and snappy, our tech team’s been working like crazy the last couple of weeks, fine-tuning all of our server-side code and deploying extra servers.

I’m incredibly excited to say that we were able to reduce the average server load by more than 30%, and Spin Rewriter’s user interface is now more responsive than ever!

We hope you like this behind-the-scenes update as much as we do! And thank you for being our members! 😀

Spin Rewriter 5.0 API library now available

Good news for all developers out there: We just updated the Spin Rewriter API code samples, SDK libraries, and documentation!

Even better news for all developers: The brand-new Spin Rewriter 5.0 API is 100% compatible with older versions of our API, which means all your existing code will keep on working flawlessly without any changes required on your part. 😀

What’s new in the 5.0 version of our API?

For starters, we’ve added the new Spin Rewriter 5.0 functionality such as the ability to intelligently randomize the order of paragraphs and unordered lists when generating new articles in order to maximize their uniqueness. All of this is described in the updated API documentation.

We’ve also released brand new code samples that will get you up & running within minutes…

…and maybe most importantly, we’ve released a new version of the Spin Rewriter API SDK for PHP:

You can simply include this PHP library and starting using the Spin Rewriter API with literally 2 lines of code!

I hope you like these changes & we’ll keep on working hard to make sure it’s super easy to integrate the awesome ENL semantic spinning power of Spin Rewriter directly into your own software!

Spin Rewriter 5.0 is now LIVE!

*Fanfare* I give you… Spin Rewriter 5.0 !!!

The brand new version of our immensely popular article spinning tool is now finally LIVE & available! 😀

Here’s a list of just some of the new features:

1) You can now fetch relevant seed articles for spinning… in seconds!! …from a huge built-in database of 126,700+ quality articles.

2) The processing speed has been improved by 80% (!!) — from 5 seconds down to 1 second per average article!

3) The One-Click Rewrite option on a 500-word article no longer takes 120 seconds… it now takes just NINE (9) seconds!

4) We’ve built in an industry-leading Grammar & Spelling Checker with one-click functionality!

5) You can now automatically insert relevant YouTube videos into the articles Spin Rewriter generates for you… again, in seconds.

6) You can choose to have the paragraphs and lists in your generated articles intelligently reordered, automatically… for maximum uniqueness!

7) …and TONS of other awesome features!!

Find out everything about Spin Rewriter 5.0 right… HERE! 😉

…and I’ll see you inside! 😀

ALL ABOARD – Spin Rewriter 5.0 !!!

That’s right — we’ll be releasing a brand new version of Spin Rewriter, the amazing 5.0!

It’ll all go down on October 21st, at 9 AM Pacific Time… and some of the new features will blow your mind!

…and what’s possibly even better, all existing users are getting a FREE upgrade to the 5.0 version! (As always!)

So — it’s official!

…and if you’re interested in promoting the upcoming 5.0 launch on October 21st, hop over here to the JV Page:

This page has got ALL the information you could possibly need… and then some!

Are you as excited as I am?! 😀

Spin Rewriter just turned 3 years old!

Happy Birthday, Spin Rewriter!

Spin Rewriter turns 3 years old…

Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday, Spin Rewriter,
happy birthday to you!


It has been the most incredible 3 years of my life, and together we’ve made tens of thousands of Internet Marketers more productive & more successful.

It’s been an amazing experience so far, and Spin Rewriter is only hitting its stride today, on its 3rd birthday… In the next 3 years, we’ll keep on working very hard to make sure we can regularly blow the minds of our customers and deliver the best product in the market!

Now, let’s grab some cake, everyone! 😉

Even more API goodness! (Python)

Today I’ve got even more good news for all developers out there who are interested in integrating Spin Rewriter into their own software products!

As you probably know (that is, if you’re a developer), we’ve already gone a number of extra miles to make sure Spin Rewriter is super easy to integrate with other apps through our API.

Our API SDK library, written in PHP, is a work of coding art… and let’s not forget the famous integration of Spin Rewriter’s functionality with 3rd party applications in as little as 3 lines of code (literally!)… The response from the developers has been 100% positive since we rolled out the first version of our API, and we’re looking to keep it this way! 😉

Still, so far all our code samples and the API SDK library were only available in PHP… but today, this changes as well!

From now on, you will also find a 100% working Python API SDK library on the API page:

The library itself is hosted on — feel free to check it out right away! 🙂

Updated API code samples

We’ve just made things even easier for all developers out there who wish to integrate Spin Rewriter’s incredible power of ENL Semantic Spinning into their applications.

We’ve updated our (almost famous) working code samples, along with the brand-new Spin Rewriter API SDK (PHP Library & Examples), version 4.1.0.

With all this code ready to go, you can now integrate Spin Rewriter’s article spinning technology into your own software products with — literally! — 3 lines of code!

Of course our API developer documentation still tells you everything about all the features that are available through the API (which is all of them), and how to use them:

Enjoy! 😉

We retinafied parts of Spin Rewriter

Wait, what… what does that even mean?!

“Retinafied?!” What kind of a word is that?

Well, it all comes down to all these new shiny gadgets sporting super high-resolution displays… For instance:

  • iPhone 5S with 1136 x 640 pixels on a mere 4″ screen,
  • Samsung Galaxy S5 with 1920 x 1080 pixels on a 5.1″ screen,
  • iPad Mini with 2048 x 1536 pixels on a 7.9″ screen,
  • and last but not least, MacBook Pro Retina with 2880 x 1800 pixels on a 15″ screen.

All of these new devices have got so many pixels that modern web apps (such as Spin Rewriter) need to be redesigned and updated to take full advantage of these high-resolution screens.

Imagine the Spin Rewriter logo, this one right here:

Spin Rewriter logo - standard definition

Spin Rewriter logo – standard definition

When you’re looking at it on your laptop, it’s probably just over 2 inches (6 cm) wide and about an inch (2.5 cm) tall, depending on the size of your laptop. Back in 2011 when it was created, it took about 220 x 80 pixels to fill up this space so our logo is 220 x 80 pixels big. This comes out to 17,000 pixels.

Nowadays, devices can display much more pixels on the same 2-by-1 inch area. 4 times as much, in fact! This means we can make the logo look much MUCH sharper. So we redesigned it! It’s now 440 x 160 pixels big, which comes out to roughly 68,000 pixels which is four times as many as 17,000.

Would you like to see the difference? Here it comes…

Spin Rewriter logo - standard definition vs Retina high definition

Spin Rewriter logo – standard definition vs Retina high definition

Just look at how much sharper the font is! And the squiggly lines on the image are much more pleasant-looking, too.

As you know, we’re always working hard to make sure you get an amazing experience out of using Spin Rewriter… This means we need to make sure the quality of our spun articles is unparalleled, and it also means that we need to make sure our web application is on the cutting-edge of progress. And we’re more than happy to do this for you! 😉

Oh, and happy 4th of July to all our American friends tomorrow!

What about… Spin Rewriter… 5.0?!


Could it be…

Are we working like crazy on the next version of Spin Rewriter? And… is it going to knock your socks off?

…We’re not saying. Yet. 😀

All we can say is, if and when Spin Rewriter 5.0 is released, all Spin Rewriter 4.0 users will be getting a free full upgrade to 5.0! 😉

…and yeah, it’s probably going to knock your socks off. 😀


Spin Rewriter API just got even better

If you’re a developer and you want to plug Spin Rewriter’s powerful ENL spinning technology directly into your software product, this is now easier than ever!

I would like to invite you to check out Spin Rewriter’s API documentation:

We’ve got new 100% working code samples ready for you, plus a PHP SDK that allows you to implement Spin Rewriter’s article spinning technology into your own software products with as little as 3 lines of code!

You’ll also find all features of our API on the same page, along with thorough documentation on how to use them. Enjoy! 😉