Category: Business Inspiration

This time *we* are learning new stuff

It’s not always just Spin Rewriter that does the learning around here … At the moment practically the whole team is on a business trip to California where we’re discovering new things both on the “natural language machine processing” front as well as the “general internet marketing” front. Only this way we can keep on bringing game-changing new products to the market, and make sure our users are more than satisfied.

Even though we’re out of the office, we’re still doing our very best to ensure that our user support stays more than satisfactory. We’ll do everything we can to always respond to all support tickets as quickly as possible – you probably won’t even notice that we’re out of the office.

So, everybody – have a great time, we’re doing quite okay as well. πŸ˜€

It’s our Monthiversary!

Today, at noon EST (New York time) Spin Rewriter turned 1.

Not 1 year – 1 month old. πŸ˜€

And for something that’s only a month old, it sure is smart! πŸ˜‰

We’re absolutely amazed at how well Spin Rewriter has been received by the Internet Marketing community at large. The feedback we’ve been getting has been amazing and it has inspired us to work super hard to keep on making Spin Rewriter even better every single day.

We’ll do our very best to make sure you LOVE Spin Rewriter in the future as well!

— Aaron and the rest of the Team πŸ˜€


Launch exceeded our wildest dreams

It’s been about 24 hours since the launch and things … well, things are still crazy around here.

I’m having some slight issues typing this, partly because of the fact that I haven’t slept properly for a couple of days, and partly because of the fact that I’m still absolutely amazed at how great everything worked out.

We signed up over 300 subscribers in the first hour alone (5 subscribers per minute!) and this trend hasn’t slowed down too much, even though it’s been close to 24 hours now. It’s absolutely crazy to be a part of this.

I’d like to thank everybody who made this possible. And – most importantly – I’d like to thank our users … it’s the best feeling in the world to receive hundreds upon hundreds of emails from people telling you that they absolutely LOVE your product.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! πŸ˜€

Spin Rewriter featured on Dailymotion

Spin Rewriter has just been featured on Dailymotion where a super experienced marketer (he’s been in the business since 2000!) named Dax Deegan posted a thorough 15-minute review of my new product.

His conclusion? “The video was pretty compelling, so I decided to try it out and I am absolutely shocked at what Spin Rewriter is capable of. It’s amazing software and I have NO DOUBT, this is the new β€œbest spinner”.”

I have to admit I haven’t slept for more than 10 hours in the last 4 days while we’re getting ready for the launch, but this just made my day … πŸ˜€

EDIT: Ooh, I just noticed he also did a blog entry on Spin Rewriter! Sweet!

I couldn’t be more excited about tomorrow’s launch right now … πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

What a lovely Sunday!

I couldn’t be much happier right now … Everything’s great, we’re making great progress, we’re getting ready to finally launch Spin Rewriter to the general public and I was relaxing at the beach, lazily checking my email inbox on this lovely Sunday when I received yet another brilliant testimonial from one of our Beta Testers:

I have been testing spinrewriter and its pretty damn good. Still a few tweaks to work out with some phrases that it creates but definitely better than anything I have ever seen.

We’ve been getting more and more feedback just like this one lately and we couldn’t be happier. Our unique approach is turning out to be exactly what we thought it would be, and we’ll be bringing the Number 1 Rewriting Software to the market very very soon.

Once again, stay tuned! πŸ˜€

Love you all! πŸ˜€

Spin Rewriter soon to be released!

OK, this is something that I’ve been super excited about for almost 10 months now, and I finally get to share it with you guys! πŸ˜€

It all started back in 2009 when I first got the idea for an amazing new approach to article rewriting. With a little help from my friends (3 Masters of Computer Science) we’ve decided to create an AMAZING product.

We’re calling it Spin Rewriter. We thought it was so clever to include the whole {spinner|rewriter} philosophy in the product’s name, so we never stopped calling it that since the first time I came up with it, and it stuck. It’ll just have to do. πŸ˜€

So, what’s all the fuss about? Oh, nothing … it’s just that we’ve taken a revolutionary approach that’s never been used before. Our software doesn’t see words simply as groups of letters, it actually understands the meaning of each word. So it can tell when the word “pen” represents a writing instrument, and when it represents an enclosure for animals! Imagine the possibilites …

We know this sounds like a bunch of hype, but – we’ll soon enough show you exactly what we’ve been cooking for so long! πŸ˜€

Till then, cheers!

Accounting for Computer Scientists

I’ve been reading (the very rare) posts by a “software craftsman” (as he calls himself) named Martin Kleppmann for a while now, and yesterday he wrote an ingenius post about accounting. If you’re in the same position I was in a couple years ago – I was a freshly baked computer scientist who just started a company and all the accounting jargon left me thoroughly confused – you might find this really invaluable.

So, head over to his blog and read his guide to accounting for computer scientists. It’s brilliant. πŸ™‚

$1,000,000 a year – how difficult is that, really?

If you haven’t heard of David Heinemeier Hansson yet, you should check out the presentation he gave at Startup School ’08. It’s an amazingly motivational video and it got me thinking …

If you want to earn $1,000,000 a year, you only need 2,000 subscribers for your $40-a-month service. How difficult is it really to get 2,000 users for your high quality online service? Well, 2,000 people is .00011765% of people who use the internet. In other words, you need to have one paying subscriber in every city with 850,000 residents. Seems doable? πŸ™‚

Okay, I give up – here’s my blog!

As many of you already know, I’ve been more than active in the online business for the last couple of years (has it really been 4 years already?!), but I was always simply posting comments to existing blogs of our projects / products / services, commenting on marketing and web-dev forums, and I never had my own blog.

Over the time, there were so many fellow internet marketers asking me to start a blog to write down my thoughts and code tutorials etc. that I eventually had to give it a thought. And here it is. Aaron’s blog about internet business in general, business principles, inspiration, search engine optimization, marketing, revenue generation and LOTS of code.

I hope you like it! πŸ˜‰