Month: May 2011

Get some insight into your potential customers

Google Insights for Search is another nifty tool that can be extremely useful. It shows you related search terms for the search term you enter, and you can figure out both the “top searches” and the “rising searches” in your particular niche. You can also filter search queries by location and get an extremely useful insight into the most popular keywords in a certain region.

With this knowledge, you can really do a bang-up search engine optimization job on your website and make sure the search engine spiders love you. And why shouldn’t they – by knowing what people are actually searching for, you can make sure that you provide your visitors with exactly what they were looking for.

Free Stock Images

If you’re looking for high quality images that are free to use (under the RF-LL license), I might be able to help you out. I’ve been using both Dreamstime and Free Digital Photos for a while now, and I’ve always been happy with the results. I’ll also write a blog post about free sound effects (if you’re recording a promotional video or something like that) in the near future.

Is this a valid URL? [PHP]

If your users link to some URL, it’s always nice to check if their input actually represents a valid URL. You can do just that with this function:

 * return true if the passed variable is a valid URL address
 * @param $url
 * @return boolean
function isValidURL($url) {
	$pattern  = '/^(([\w]+:)?\/\/)?(([\d\w]|%[a-fA-f\d]{2,2})+(:([\d\w]|%[a-fA-f\d]{2,2})+)?@)?([\d\w][-\d\w]{0,253}[\d\w]\.)+[\w]{2,4}(:[\d]+)?(\/([-+_~.\d\w]|%[a-fA-f\d]{2,2})*)*(\?(&?([-+_~.\d\w]|%[a-fA-f\d]{2,2})=?)*)?(#([-+_~.\d\w]|%[a-fA-f\d]{2,2})*)?$/';
	return preg_match($pattern, $url);

If this function returns true, you might want to actually open the URL (using file_get_contents() or some other function) to see if it works.

Accounting for Computer Scientists

I’ve been reading (the very rare) posts by a “software craftsman” (as he calls himself) named Martin Kleppmann for a while now, and yesterday he wrote an ingenius post about accounting. If you’re in the same position I was in a couple years ago – I was a freshly baked computer scientist who just started a company and all the accounting jargon left me thoroughly confused – you might find this really invaluable.

So, head over to his blog and read his guide to accounting for computer scientists. It’s brilliant. 🙂